
How To Use Subscription Manager To Register


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Registering a server using Ruby-red Hat Subscription Manager (RHSM)

News RHEL subscription management Recommended Books Recommended Links Migrating systems from RHN to RHNSM Registering a server using Red Lid Subscription Managing director (RHSM) Redhat Networking Unix A dministration
RHEL4 registration RHEL5 registration on proxy protected network RHEL6 registration on proxy protected network Oracle Linux Registration Xinetd How to change IP address in RHEL Sense of humour Etc
  • Introduction
  • Checklist for consistency of your setting
  • If y'all are an unlucky guy who dwell backside proxy with an authoritarian firewall administrator
  • Registering your server on Ruddy Chapeau Subscription Direction Portal
    • Attach  the necessary puddle
    • Subscribe to the necessary channels/repositories
    • Enabling repo
  • Troubleshooting
    • If yous run into problem with certificates
    • If the communication via proxy is not properly established with the correct certificates
    • Diagnostic Steps (from Cerise Lid)
    • Testing connectivity to


"New" subscription system (RHSM) is slightly better then RHN for big organizations.  It allows to assign specific license to specific box and list the current status of licensing.  But like RHN information technology requires to use proxy setting in configuration file, it does not take them from the environment. If the visitor has several proxies and y'all have mismatch you tin be royally screwed. In general yous need always to cheque consistently of your environment with conf file settings using

The level of agreement of proxies surround by RHEL tech support is basic of worse, so they are  using the database of manufactures instead of actually troubleshooting based on sosreport data. Moreover each day there might a new person working on your ticket, so at that place no continuity. RHEL System Registration Guide ( is weak and does not cover more than circuitous cases and typical mishaps.

NOTE: An update to subscription-manager packages and dependencies is required for Blood-red Chapeau Enterprise Linux lower then 6.ane or v.viii to annals successfully. See manually updating subscription-manager earlier proceeding.

But there are a log of gotchas, peculiarly if server moved from one datacenter to another in proxies environment and proxy accept changed.

If your system supports RHSM you can jump to Registering your server on Red Hat Subscription Management Portal

If you are lucky you lot need to result just a half dozen commands to annals the server and, optionally, enable additional repositories. The three key command  that do the job are every bit post-obit:

        subscription-director register --username                  subscription-managing director list --available --all  subscription-manager attach --puddle=8a85........0f      

If you attached wrong poll (happens, if, for case, y'all use HPC licenses and assigned such a license to regular server) you can remove it using the command

subscription-director remove --pool=8a85........0f
After that you need to enable additional repos, if you need them (the key repo with patches and packages typically is enabled by default when you attach the puddle)
        subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7....

Checklist for consistency of your setting

This is a circuitous and not well documented subsystem.  And so sometimes yous encounter problem and can't register the server.  The consistency of your settings is the kickoff area to verity. The nearly important of them you tin bank check by checking the content of /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf and the output of the command subscription-managing director config (run into below)

Using different settings, especially proxy settings,  in dissimilar places is that most common trouble. Here are some steps that might help:

i. Cheque if /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf contains right entries that are the same as in /etc/yum/conf and /etc/sysconfig/proxy setting of environment  variables (if whatsoever)

ii. Make clean  Red Hat repositories definition in /etc/yum.repos.d directory.  I am not certain that there is a yum command for that then you need to do information technology manually.

iii. Clean all other yum settings. From the yum transmission:

The post-obit are the ways which yous tin invoke yum in make clean mode.

yum make clean packages

Eliminate any cached packages from the system. Note that packages are non automatically deleted after they are downloaded.

yum make clean headers

Eliminate all of the files which yum uses to determine the remote availability of packages. Using this option will force yum to download all the headers the adjacent time it is run.

yum clean all

Runs yum clean packages and yum clean headers every bit above."

The "yum clean all" command will not only remove cached packages, only also any headers. You need affluent out everything in case there are obsolete headers

Now subscribe to bachelor repos again:

# yum repolist all # ( to run into all available repositories )

Now you can see to what repositories you are subscribed and if you wish what repositories are bachelor for subscription.

To enable it, you need to utilise the command

yum-config-manager --enable        <the_name_of_repository>      


subscription-director repos --enable        <the_name_of_repository>      

 For example:

yum-config-director --enable rhel-6-server-extras-rpms


subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-6-server-extras-rpms

If you are an unlucky guy who dwell backside proxy with an authoritarian firewall administrator

If you are backside proxy y'all demand first to edit /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf as follows:

        # an http proxy server to apply (enter server FQDN) proxy_hostname =  # port for http proxy server proxy_port =  # user proper noun for authenticating to an http proxy, if needed proxy_user =  # password for basic http proxy auth, if needed proxy_password =      

Important: While this sucker will accept the proxy in the form    this will cause troubles. You lot need to specify server without http:// prefix

You should not put prefix http:// into proxy server specification in /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf This is like shooting fish in a barrel to do, frequent and nasty error if you copy the setting from environment variable. RHEL diagnostic for this fault is abysmal

Those giants of system programming even manage to embed proxy settings from /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf into yum file /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo, so the proxy value is taken from this file. Not from  your /etc/yum.conf settings, as you would expect.  Moreover this is washed without whatsoever elementary checks for consistency: if yous make a pretty innocent  mistake and specify proxy setting in /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf as

proxy =

The Crimson Hat registration manager will have this and will work file. But for yum to work properly /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf proxy specification requires just DNS name without prefix http:// or https://  -- prefix https volition exist added blindly (and that's wrong) in redhat.repo   without checking if yous specified http:// (or https://) prefix or non. This SNAFU will lead to generation in redhat.repo  the proxy statement of the form https://

At this point you are up for a nasty surprise -- yum will not work with any Redhat repository and there is no any meaningful diagnostic messages. Looks like RHEL managers are iether engaged in binge drinking, or sentinel too much porn on the job ;-).

In add-on if your proxy is really restrictive, you need to submit a ticket to open  the following host names and ports on the approachable network firewall to enable yum and subscription-director to sync Satellite Server to Red Chapeau Satellite vi repositories:

  • [https]
  • [https]
  • *.akamaiedge.internet:443 [https] OR * [https]

Information technology is not recommended to specify the IP addresses considering the packages are distributed through the Akamai network and the IP addresses are subject field to change. However, if your firewall is unable to utilise host proper noun filtering, Red Hat provides a pool of IP addresses that should provide CDN commitment.

NOTE: If the system is behind an HTTP proxy, recheck entries as if you make a fault, for example in the proxy_hostname field it volition be propagated down stream into /etc/yum-repos.d directory and create hard to troubleshoot error.

Here is an instance:

        # an http proxy server to employ (enter server FQDN) proxy_hostname =  # port for http proxy server proxy_port = 8080  # user proper noun for authenticating to an http proxy, if needed proxy_user = joeuser  # password for basic http proxy auth, if needed proxy_password = my-wife-linda      

Registering your server on Red Hat Subscription Management Portal

With RHSM registration is a two footstep process: first you need to register server and then assign the subscription to it.

To register interactively with the Crimson Hat Subscription Direction Portal service, run:
        subscription-managing director register --username <username> --password <password>      

To very that the server is fastened to the pool

subscription-manager list

To list all available subscriptions, run:

subscription-manager listing --bachelor --all      

This showtime task is to run subscription manager with register option, just has a caveat (see to a higher place) if you have a proxy (encounter also How to access Blood-red Hat Subscription Manager (RHSM) through a firewall or proxy - Red Lid Customer Portal

        # subscription-director register Username: <redacted> Password: The system has been registered with ID: 293d8a12-15cd-43fc-be7d-447aa4999bfe      

Adhere the necessary pool

Now the system registered, but with no gear up of repositories assigned (repository puddle or only pool).

First we tin see what polls are available. In other words what your subscriptions are not expired.

        # subscription-managing director list --all --available  Subscription Proper noun:   Red Lid Enterprise Linux Server, Premium (Physical or Virtual Nodes) Provides:            Red Hat S-JIS Support (for RHEL Server) - Extended Update Support      
        ... ... ...      Pool ID:             9c675f2bbcd54257a5950047cedfb6ee Provides Management: No Available:           2 Suggested:           one Service Level:       Premium Service Type:        L1-L3 Subscription Type:   Instance Based Ends:                08/04/2016 System Type:         Physical              
        ... ... ...              

Find the pool ID for the appropriate subscription in the list, and and then run the command. For example

        # subscription-manager attach --puddle 9c675f2bbcd54257a5950047cedfb6ee Successfully attached a subscription for: Scarlet Hat Enterprise Linux Server, Premium (Physical or Virtual Nodes)      

Subscribe to the necessary channels/repositories

If your previous subscription expired and you just assignee a new pool to the server which corresponds to the same subscription, you will inherit repositories you used to have. But still information technology make sense to check the list of repositories to which y'all are subscribed using yum repolist control

It tin well be empty. (see also How to add a new yum repository )

  • To cheque the list of repositories to which you are subscribed employ: yum repolist
  • To check the listing of availed repositories utilize yum repolist all

To ascertain a new repository, you need to add a .repo file in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory. This is done using yum-config-manager --add-repo command

For example

# yum-config-manager --add-repo Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit adding repo from: grabbing file to /etc/yum.repos.d/example.repo example.repo                                             |  413 B     00:00 repo saved to /etc/yum.repos.d/example.repo


  • If EPEL is registered on some other system, you can copy relevant files directly into /etc/yum.repos.d. See also How to Enable EPEL Repository. All files with the .repo extension in this directory are read by yum but in order for yum to be able to install packages form it you lot demand explicitly enable it
  • If y'all use self support subscript y'all need manually add together rhel-6-server-extras-rpms/x86_64 or rhel-7-server-extras-rpms/x86_64 repository yous that you take two repositories in yum repolist listing.

Enabling repo

After you added repo you need to enable it. For RHEL repositories listed in yum repolist all you just need to enable it, you do not need to add them.

To enable it, you need to utilise the control

yum-config-manager --enable        <the_name_of_repository>      

equally root


  • You demand to supply the repo name up to the first slash as list in yum repolist all. If you supply info provided past yum repolist all after slash this sucker does not work and there is non meaningful diagnostics.
  • If enable command is successful it list the repo information on console

For case:

yum-config-manager --enable rhel-half-dozen-server-extras-rpms


subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-6-server-extras-rpms

Sometimes EPEL repositories prevent RHEL patching (this is oftentimes the case with R RPMs installed from EPEL) you tin can simply disable them via command. For instance:

yum-config-manager --disable epel

and subsequently patching is done re-enable it

yum-config-managing director --enable  epel

You can always check the results with the command

  • yum repolist disabled you lot may listing the disabled repositories
  • yum repolist enabled and re-enable them


Inconsistent settings between various config file is the most mutual crusade of problems. Ruby-red Chapeau expertise in this area is extremely weak and they does not verify them for you lot.

yous can check you configuration using the command How to enable repository using subscription-manager in RHEL - Kernel Talks

# subscription-manager config

You can effort to remove all setting and to star afresh:

# subscription-manager remove --all  # subscription-manager unregister  # subscription-manager make clean

Then do the registration again with the settings that work on another server.

You can as well type the clarification of the problem in Google or Bing, or both (actually Bing is sometimes better) and see if everyone encountered and resolved it. Then based on the issue reformulate your search and try again. Oftentimes in a couple of hours, after earthworks tons of junk, y'all might become to a useful mail service of web log entry.

If yous run into problem with certificates

Sometimes in enterprise surround y'all run into problem with certificates. One mutual state of affairs is when proxy substitutes cocky-signed certificate How to troubleshoot subscription-manager and yum problems - Blood-red Chapeau Client Portal

  • Allow'southward troubleshoot this fault for instance:


                  # yum bank check-update Loaded plugins: downloadonly, production-id, subscription-manager Updating certificate-based repositories. [Errno 14] problem making ssl connexion Trying other mirror. Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: rhel-6-server-cf-tools-1-rpms. Please verify its path and attempt again                          
  • Cheque if a proxy (or annihilation betwixt the server and Blood-red Hat) is not irresolute the SSL certificate. Sometimes proxies are configured to reassign SSL communication (similar to human being-in-the-eye attack).
  • Crosscheck if UUID of system matches on the Customer Portal:
    1. Get the UUID from the system:
                        # openssl x509 -in /etc/pki/consumer/cert.pem -noout -text| grep 'Subject field: CN'                
    2. Check the system'southward UUID on the Customer Portal: Go to --> Subscriptions --> Systems (under the subheading Subscriber Inventory) or open: Then enter the system's UUID in the filter box to see if it matches.
    3. If the UUID does non match, refresh the subscription data from system:
                        # subscription-manager refresh # subscription-manager attach --auto                


                        # subscription-manager attach --pool=POOLID                
  • When using a http proxy with RHSM, the proxy settings need to be put in /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf (and not /etc/yum.conf).

If the communication via proxy is not properly established with the right certificates

The communication is not properly established with the correct certificates:

              # coil -v --proxy-user user:password --proxy --cacert /etc/rhsm/ca/redhat-uep.pem * Almost to connect() to proxy port 8080 (#0) *   Trying connected * Connected to (10.0.0.i) port 8080 (#0) * Establish HTTP proxy tunnel to * Proxy auth using Bones with user 'username' > CONNECT HTTP/one.1 > Host: > Proxy-Authorization: Basic XXEEAA = > User-Agent: scroll/7.xix.vii (i386-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.nineteen.vii NSS/iii.12.9.0 zlib/1.two.3 libidn/one.18 libssh2/i.2.2 > Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive > < HTTP/ 200 Connectedness established < Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2012 xiii:03:51 GMT < Age: ii < Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive < Via: 1.0 localhost.localdomain < * Proxy replied OK to CONNECT request * Initializing NSS with certpath: /etc/pki/nssdb *   CAfile: /etc/rhsm/ca/redhat-uep.pem   CApath: none * Peer'due south document issuer is not recognized: ',O=My,L=RedHat,ST=South Carolina,C=U.s.a.' * NSS error -8179 * Closing connection #0 * Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates curlicue: (60) Peer certificate cannot exist authenticated with known CA certificates More details here:  curl performs SSL certificate verification past default, using a "bundle"  of Certificate Authority (CA) public keys (CA certs). If the default  bundle file isn't adequate, you can specify an alternate file  using the --cacert option. If this HTTPS server uses a certificate signed by a CA represented in  the packet, the document verification probably failed due to a  problem with the certificate (it might exist expired, or the name might  not match the domain name in the URL). If you'd similar to plow off curl's verification of the certificate, utilize  the -k (or --insecure) choice.                          

Diagnostic Steps (from Reddish Lid)

Find the troubleshooting steps which can help you to find the cause of the issue:

  • Make sure that the organisation'southward time and date is correct to the fourth dimension and appointment of the geographical location.
  • Adjacent thing to do is to unregister and register again the subscription manager - to be sure the server is properly registered using RHSM:

Unregister the server:

              gear up -x # appointment && subscription-manager make clean All local information removed  #date && subscription-director unsubscribe --all This machine has been unsubscribed from all subscriptions  # appointment && subscription-manager unregister Consumer 11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555556 has been deleted                          

Get the information about the server:

              # date && subscription-director facts --list                          

Register the server:

              # date && subscription-director annals The system has been registered with id: 11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555  # date && subscription-manager identity Current identity is: 11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555 name: org name: 1111111 org id: 11111112222222333333334444444555  engagement && subscription-managing director subscribe --pool=<PoolId_from_the_previous_command>  #Or use simply: # engagement && subscription-director list --available +-------------------------------------------+     Available Subscriptions +-------------------------------------------+  ProductName:            Ruddy Hat Enterprise Linux Server, Self-support (1-2 sockets)                         (Upwards to i guest) ProductId:              RH0197181                 PoolId:                 11111111111111111111111111111111 Quantity:               x                        Multi-Entitlement:      No                        Expires:                01/01/2013                MachineType:            physical . .  # engagement && subscription-manager subscribe --auto Installed Product Electric current Condition: Production Name:           Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server Status:                 Subscribed   # date && subscription-manager list --consumed +-------------------------------------------+     Consumed Product Subscriptions +-------------------------------------------+  Production Name:           Crimson Hat Enterprise Linux Server Contract Number:        4444444 Account Number:         333333 Serial Number:          2222222222222222222 Active:                 True                      Quantity Used:          1                         Service Level:          None                      Service Type :          None                      Begins:                 22/09/xi                  Expires:                01/01/22 . . .   # date && subscription-manager repos --list +----------------------------------------------------------+     Entitled Repositories in /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo +----------------------------------------------------------+ . . . Repo Name:              Scarlet Hat Enterprise Linux vi Server (RPMs) Repo Id:                rhel-6-server-rpms        Repo Url:     $releasever/$basearch/os Enabled:                1                          Repo Proper noun:              Red Hat CloudForms Tools for RHEL six (RPMs) Repo Id:                rhel-6-server-cf-tools-1-rpms Repo Url:     $releasever/$basearch/cf-tools/1.0/os Enabled:                i . .                          
  • Generate and check the strace:
              yum clean all export URLGRABBER_DEBUG=1,-  sed -i.orig 'southward/debuglevel = 0/debuglevel = 1/g' /usr/lib64/python2.6/  strace -ttT -s1024 -v -o /tmp/yum.update.strace yum -d10 cheque-update mv /usr/lib64/python2.6/ /usr/lib64/python2.6/                          

There should be something like this in the strace:

  • The system was able to connect to through the proxy server:
              2012-03-12 10:04:36,002 [DEBUG] - Using proxy: 2012-03-12 10:04:36,002 [DEBUG] - Making asking: GET 27624092264466693 2012-03-12 10:04:37,952 [DEBUG] - Response status: 200                          
  • The strace of the client'southward yum attempt shows an initially successful connection to through the proxy
              14:59:05.914373 connect(vii, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(3128), sin_addr=inet_addr("192.168.0.two")}, xvi) = -ane EINPROGRESS (Performance now in progress) <0.000022> 14:59:05.914423 poll([{fd=7, events=POLLOUT|POLLWRNORM}], 1, 29998) = 1 ([{fd=7, revents=POLLOUT|POLLWRNORM}]) <0.000227> 14:59:05.914693 getsockopt(7, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, [0], [4]) = 0 <0.000017> 14:59:05.914749 sendto(7, "CONNECT HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nUser-Agent: urlgrabber/3.9.1 yum/3.2.29\r\nProxy-Connection: Keep-Live\r\n\r\n", 136, MSG_NOSIGNAL, NU LL, 0) = 136 <0.000012> 14:59:05.914794 poll([{fd=7, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI|POLLRDNORM|POLLRDBAND}], 1, 1000) = one ([{fd=7, revents=POLLIN|POLLRDNORM}]) <0.231993> fourteen:59:06.146848 recvfrom(7, "HTTP/1.0 200 Connection established\r\n\r\n", 16384, 0, NULL, Null) = 39 <0.000024>                          
  • It'south showing the problem is between proxy server and RHN. Check if there are some restrictions on the firewall or proxy itself How do I configure my firewall so that I can access the Red Chapeau Subscription Manager (RHSM) and Red Hat Network (RHN)?
  • Test the connection with proxy:
              whorl --caput --fundamental /etc/pki/entitlement/4790939584130415916-key.pem -Due east /etc/pki/entitlement/4790939584130415916.pem -k -ten --verbose -H "Cache-command: no-cache" -H "Pragma: no-cache" --cacert /etc/rhsm/ca/redhat-uep.pem * Nigh to connect() to proxy port 3128 (#0)                                                                                                                                               *   Trying connected                                                                                                                                                                             * Connected to ( port 3128 (#0)                                                                                                                                                * Establish HTTP proxy tunnel to                                                                                                                                                             > CONNECT HTTP/1.1                                                                                                                                                                           > Host:                                                                                                                                                                                      > User-Amanuensis: curl/7.xix.7 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7 NSS/ zlib/1.2.3 libidn/1.18 libssh2/1.2.2                                                                                            > Proxy-Connectedness: Keep-Alive                                                                                                                                                                                  >                                                                                                                                                                                                               < HTTP/ane.0 200 Connection established                                                                                                                                                                           <                                                                                                                                                                                                               * Proxy replied OK to CONNECT request * Initializing NSS with certpath: /etc/pki/nssdb * warning: ignoring value of ssl.verifyhost * skipping SSL peer certificate verification * NSS: customer certificate: PEM Token #1:5027624092264466693.pem *       subject area: CN=8a85f98435edb09d01360626e0924712 *       start engagement: January 01 05:00:00 2012 GMT *       expire appointment: Jan 01 04:59:59 2013 GMT *       common name: 8a85f98435edb09d01360626e0924712 *       issuer:,CN=Red Hat Candlepin Authority,OU=Red Hat Network,O="Red Hat, Inc.",ST=North Carolina,C=US * SSL connexion using TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA * Server certificate: *       subject:,OU=IT,O="Red Hat, Inc.",L=Raleigh,ST=NORTH CAROLINA,C=US *       first date: Jul 19 16:16:fourteen 2010 GMT *       expire date: Jul 16 xvi:16:fourteen 2020 GMT *       common proper noun: *       issuer:,CN=Red Hat Entitlement Operations Say-so,OU=Red Hat Network,O="Carmine Lid, Inc.",ST=North Carolina,C=US > Become /content/dist/rhel/server/5/5Server/x86_64/cf-tools/1.0/os/repodata/repomd.xml HTTP/1.i > User-Agent: ringlet/7.19.vii (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.vii NSS/iii.12.ix.0 zlib/i.2.3 libidn/one.18 libssh2/1.ii.2 > Host: > Accept: */* >  < HTTP/1.1 200 OK                          
  • Without proxy using openssl:
              openssl s_client -port 443 -CApath /etc/pki/entitlement/ -host -prexit -cert 6666666666666666666.pem -key 6666666666666666666-primal.pem CONNECTED(00000003) depth=1 C = US, ST = Due north Carolina, O = "Red Hat, Inc.", OU = Reddish Hat Network, CN = Red Hat Entitlement Operations Authority, emailAddress = verify mistake:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate verify return:0 --- Certificate chain  0 s:/C=U.s./ST=North CAROLINA/L=Raleigh/O=Red Hat, Inc./OU=IT/    i:/C=United states/ST=Due north Carolina/O=Red Lid, Inc./OU=Red Hat Network/CN=Red Chapeau Entitlement Operations Authority/  one s:/C=U.s.a./ST=North Carolina/O=Red Hat, Inc./OU=Cherry Lid Network/CN=Scarlet Hat Entitlement Operations Authority/    i:/C=Usa/ST=North Carolina/L=Raleigh/O=Cerise Lid, Inc./OU=Crimson Lid Network/CN=Entitlement Main CA/ --- Server certificate -----BEGIN Document----- MIIENjCCAh6gAwIBAgIBJzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADCBsTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMx FzAVBgNVBAgMDk5vcnRoIENhcm9saW5hMRYwFAYDVQQKDA1SZWQgSGF0LCBJbmMu MRgwFgYDVQQLDA9SZWQgSGF0IE5ldHdvcmsxMTAvBgNVBAMMKFJlZCBIYXQgRW50 aXRsZW1lbnQgT3BlcmF0aW9ucyBBdXRob3JpdHkxJDAiBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWFWNh LXN1cHBvcnRAcmVkaGF0LmNvbTAeFw0xMDA3MTkxNjE2MTRaFw0yMDA3MTYxNjE2 MTRaMHYxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRcwFQYDVQQIEw5OT1JUSCBDQVJPTElOQTEQMA4G A1UEBxMHUmFsZWlnaDEWMBQGA1UEChMNUmVkIEhhdCwgSW5jLjELMAkGA1UECxMC SVQxFzAVBgNVBAMTDmNkbi5yZWRoYXQuY29tMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GN ADCBiQKBgQDcVN7OoMTenrvBx2GEdW+t5GYaWd/rg2dyFooyItr+snRgyTkeBQOL ZmvGH/VbwQxrUmDCWnaxWX84hcZMn0xIEEOu/OdsRzrDdhBmsWTRRkabucJVg7BW Zu89vATSpjZ+hCp/J+67ZNscuMqI7GzFG6A7KOgMRehg4pbgIR2sFwIDAQABoxcw FTATBgNVHSUEDDAKBggrBgEFBQcDATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOCAgEAZxzgeGbE YHpzqu0g+IAaTRIQ53xrRWy0PFqaeD9aRmJoqnjHJiYXguNsHcIY7el082RgxONf hP2k4iE2Rcxo7MA3OiBEG7CvM73oLo94BhLKy/Ytbcut1K0WH1Q8hY3jIdk76sfM yX2bFgFAHAbBcZFOAhvdaNrzxSFcX+WGvTMhvuXq4u3dRQJlG9QFG/d8Xx247G5e rnRlBy23RHAqYVDs1bx2SA/SLx0WCUkuBgh7O8aFGam73ynVW5RosTtX5tw2L68I JCknBfSEtJIMwJVv+OwMhV6EBydorEZkPZO0Q/3c/wNmp9VfjnfMybb+hyS8NP1T zP2ewQvVwFv8yZYfNIXQCH3YGFXwtG0x1uKcgHQNpf53bvOqQy2DL76/QzEfya63 KVmomyyGX74v3fNytYOTVSRRCS4NoIzb+9oAIuHgLkgQyADfUDsIsk/DwM8oduq1 4n832s2DUJEZA1czt2ZdJXSfas3syP5BtsjaFPdUInqVLRAvC7hmj61GtnehTKx0 SYxs4ijC7SeXckE9vaO5hr6GcAYNzv/pvZ5DB6FBdzmeyX1lpUz/xn8Gc4xhM9lA L5eQ180iMiLjbX9MAUayJLecwd49W3fQ1gbBkR6xTwy+gveRXJ+M1fxot+FUhV5v Lt0DgnVbXOn0l4R5oZVv7k3iVBSPaDe4Dlc= -----END Certificate----- bailiwick=/C=US/ST=NORTH CAROLINA/L=Raleigh/O=Blood-red Chapeau, Inc./OU=IT/ issuer=/C=US/ST=North Carolina/O=Crimson Lid, Inc./OU=Red Hat Network/CN=Reddish Lid Entitlement Operations Authority/ --- Adequate client document CA names /C=U.s./ST=North Carolina/O=Red Hat, Inc./OU=Cerise Chapeau Network/CN=Red Lid Entitlement Operations Authority/emailAddress=ca-back /C=US/ST=North Carolina/L=Raleigh/O=Red Chapeau, Inc./OU=Red Hat Network/CN=Entitlement Master CA/emailAddress=ca-back /C=Usa/ST=Northward Carolina/O=Red Hat, Inc./OU=Ruddy Lid Network/CN=Red Hat Candlepin Dominance/ --- SSL handshake has read 3693 bytes and written 100396 bytes --- New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Goose egg is AES256-SHA Server public key is 1024 chip Secure Renegotiation IS supported Pinch: NONE Expansion: NONE SSL-Session:     Protocol  : TLSv1     Aught    : AES256-SHA     Session-ID: 4EF45E40519DD86B56C5D62938E42B2ACB85F421F1B4853E607BE42738047A31     Session-ID-ctx:      Master-Primal: 7E3E5B2F9E2C257D76EB23E3477C67423761D7B843068EA95A43D3749D5464A52040F85635E3D8113F3D01A60E1AFEB4     Fundamental-Arg   : None     Krb5 Principal: None     PSK identity: None     PSK identity hint: None     Get-go Time: 1345283601     Timeout   : 300 (sec)     Verify render code: 20 (unable to get local issuer certificate) ---            

Testing connectivity to

Hither are the Ruby Lid recommendations:

Verifying the car can connect to

  • with roll:
                $ gyre -v -k --cacert /etc/rhsm/ca/redhat-uep.pem * Almost to connect() to port 443 (#0) *   Trying connected * Continued to (ten.4.127.49) port 443 (#0) ... * Endmost connection #0 [{"rel":"consumers","href":"/consumers"},{"rel":"distributor_versions","href":"/distributor_versions"},{"rel":"entitlements","href":"/entitlements"},{"rel":"hypervisors","href":"/hypervisors"},{"rel":"jobs","href":"/jobs"},{"rel":"owners","href":"/owners"},{"rel":"pools","href":"/pools"},{"rel":"products","href":"/products"},{"rel":"subscriptions","href":"/subscriptions"},{"rel":"users","href":"/users"}]                              
  • Or with openssl s_client:
                $ openssl s_client -port 443 -CApath /etc/rhsm/ca/redhat-uep.pem -host CONNECTED(00000003) depth=2 C = Us, ST = Due north Carolina, L = Raleigh, O = "Ruby Hat, Inc.", OU = Ruddy Hat Network, CN = Entitlement Master CA, emailAddress = verify error:num=xix:self signed certificate in certificate concatenation verify return:0 --- ...      First Time: 1397793816     Timeout   : 300 (sec)     Verify render code: 19 (self signed document in certificate chain) ---                              

So type in this:

              Go /subscription/            

... to get this output:


Or testing basic connectivity when you take a consumer cert and primal, and where RHNUSERNAME is your customer portal login:

              # ringlet --primal /etc/pki/consumer/fundamental.pem --cert /etc/pki/consumer/cert.pem --cacert redhat-uep.pem                          

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  • 20190311 : How to enable repository using subscription-manager in RHEL - Kernel Talks ( Mar 08, 2019 , )
  • 20190309 : Register Red Hat 7 using Subscription Manager via Proxy by Grzegorz Juszczak ( March 9, 2016 , )
  • 20190309 : [SOLVED] Redhat Subscription Manager for RHEL 6 ( [SOLVED] Redhat Subscription Managing director for RHEL 6, )

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[Mar 11, 2019] How to enable repository using subscription-manager in RHEL - Kernel Talks

Mar 08, 2019 |

How to enable repository using subscription-manager in RHEL

Published: Feb 20, 2018 | Modified: March 8, 2018 | 10344 views

In this commodity we volition walk y'all through footstep by pace process to enable Red Hat repository in RHEL fresh installed server.
... ... ...

root@kerneltalks # subscription-manager register Registering to: Username: Password: Network error, unable to connect to server. Please meet /var/log/rhsm/rhsm.log for more data.

If yous are getting above error then your server is non able to reach RedHat. Check cyberspace connection & if you lot are able to resolve site names. Sometimes even if you are able to ping subscription server, you will see this error. This might be because of you lot have the proxy server in your environs. In such example, you demand to add its details in file /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf. Below proxy details should be populated :

# an http proxy server to use proxy_hostname =  # port for http proxy server proxy_port =  # user proper name for authenticating to an http proxy, if needed proxy_user =  # countersign for basic http proxy auth, if needed proxy_password =  # an http proxy server to apply proxy_hostname =  # port for http proxy server proxy_port =  # user name for authenticating to an http proxy, if needed proxy_user =  # countersign for bones http proxy auth, if needed proxy_password =

Once you are washed, recheck if subscription-manager taken up new proxy details past using below control �

root@kerneltalks # subscription-manager config
hostname = []
insecure = [0]
port = [443]
prefix = [/subscription]
proxy_hostname = []
proxy_password = [asdf]
proxy_port = [3456]
proxy_user = [user2]
server_timeout = [180]
ssl_verify_depth = [3]
baseurl = []
ca_cert_dir = [/etc/rhsm/ca/]
consumercertdir = [/etc/pki/consumer]
entitlementcertdir = [/etc/pki/entitlement]
full_refresh_on_yum = [0]
manage_repos = [1]
pluginconfdir = [/etc/rhsm/pluginconf.d]
plugindir = [/usr/share/rhsm-plugins]
productcertdir = [/etc/pki/production]
repo_ca_cert = /etc/rhsm/ca/redhat-uep.pem
report_package_profile = [i]
autoattachinterval = [1440]
certcheckinterval = [240]
default_log_level = [INFO]
[] - Default value in employ

Now, try registering your system over again.

... ... ...

[Mar 09, 2019 ] Register Red Lid seven using Subscription Manager via Proxy past Grzegorz Juszczak

March 9, 2016 |

Set HTTP Proxy for Red Hat Subscription Manager

Use the post-obit syntax:

                [root@tuxfixer ~]# subscription-manager config --server.proxy_hostname=(proxy_server_ip) --server.proxy_port=(proxy_server_port)              


                [root@tuxfixer ~]# subscription-manager config --server.proxy_hostname=85.254.112.xx --server.proxy_port=8080              

two. Annals Red Lid 7 using your Red Hat credentials and automatically attach Red Chapeau repository

Employ the following syntax:

                [root@tuxfixer ~]# subscription-manager register --username (your_username) --countersign (your_password) --auto-attach              


                [root@tuxfixer ~]# subscription-manager register --username proper --password tuxfixer_sec_pass --auto-adhere  The arrangement has been registered with ID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx  Installed Product Current Status: Product Name: Carmine Hat Enterprise Linux Server Status:       Subscribed              

iii. (Optional) Enable additional Red Hat Channels to obtain additional packages

Red Hat Optional Channel:

                [root@tuxfixer ~]# subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-optional-rpms              

Red Hat Extras Channel:

                [root@tuxfixer ~]# subscription-director repos --enable rhel-7-server-extras-rpms              

[SOLVED] Redhat Subscription Managing director for RHEL 6


Adept twenty-four hour period to community,

I want to ask Redhat Subscription Director registration.
I register ane of my RHEL6 Virtual Machine registration on Redhat.

I first Used to RHN Registration,I registered and choose to RHN Classic
and prompt that the this system is registered to RHN Classic.

However,I checked the Subscription Director and Found out this message(please come across attached file).
it indicates that my machine is registered to RHN Classic simply on below,
there's a question mark and unknown on the status.

Also the Products Subscription Details is non registered.

Give thanks y'all for your kindness...


As per redhat, from version half dozen always use subscription-manager to register your machine.

You can do one thing, unregister your machine via rhn classic and then annals it via subscription-manager.

rm /etc/sysconfig/rhn/systemid
subscription-manager register

or you lot tin can migrate to rhsm via below control

yum install subscription-manager-migration subscription-manager-migration-data
cd /etc/sysconfig/rhn
mv systemid rhnclassic.systemid
rm /etc/sysconfig/rhn/systemid
subscription-manager annals


Almost registration data isn't worth keeping, and then I would just run '# subscription-managing director register --force' and you will re-annals with RHSM.


Earlier running strength register, we need to remove the organisation from rhn classic, then only we would be able to add information technology to subscription-manager


Howdy To All,

My Problem was solved!Thanks to all of y'all
especially to "Chetansingh" ,thank you very much for
providing this solution.

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Final modified: October, 24, 2019

How To Use Subscription Manager To Register,


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